{'Loading, please wait...' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Our Services' | lang scope.lang_dic}



{'Women' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Login to Add Service' | lang scope.lang_dic}
add service
{service.price} TL {service.price}~{service.price_max} TL

{'Men' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Login to Add Service' | lang scope.lang_dic}
add service
{service.price} TL {service.price}~{service.price_max} TL

{'Welcome to Belablanje' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Please enter your mobile number in the field below.' | lang scope.lang_dic}



{'Browse Our Services' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Welcome to Belablanje' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Enter the 4-digit code sent to your phone' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'If the code is not received within 2 minutes, try again.' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Get Code' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Sign in with another number.' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Hi' | lang scope.lang_dic} {scope.self_.name}!

₺{scope.wallet.wallet | to_local}

({'Charge Wallet' | lang scope.lang_dic})



{'Create Detailed Appointment' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{scope.appointment_next.day_of_week} {scope.appointment_next.day_of_month} {scope.appointment_next.month}



{'Create a Quick Appointment' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Change Branch' | lang scope.lang_dic}

  • example
  • example
  • example
  • example
  • example
  • example
  • {service.title}

{'more' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'loading' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Branch' | lang scope.lang_dic}
{'Services' | lang scope.lang_dic}
{'Stylist' | lang scope.lang_dic}
{'Date / Time' | lang scope.lang_dic}
{'Payment' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'At Which Branch Should You Have Your Appointment?' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'After selecting the branch, click the button to continue the list of services by pressing the button.' | lang scope.lang_dic}



{'How Can We Help?' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Woman' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Add Service' | lang scope.lang_dic}
add service add service
{service.price} TL {service.price}~{service.price_max} TL
{service.price} TL {service.price}~{service.price_max} TL

{'Men' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Add Service' | lang scope.lang_dic}
add service
{service.price} TL {service.price}~{service.price_max} TL
{service.price} TL {service.price}~{service.price_max} TL

{'Who Will Do Your Service?' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'After finishing the stylist selection, click the button and continue to select the day and time.' | lang scope.lang_dic}



{'When should be your appointment?' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'First Fit' | lang scope.lang_dic}
{'This Week' | lang scope.lang_dic}
{'Next Week' | lang scope.lang_dic}
{'Select Date' | lang scope.lang_dic} {scope.appointment.date_} ({'Pick Date' | lang scope.lang_dic})




{'Full' | lang scope.lang_dic}
  • {time.title}

{'How will your payment be?' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Wallet' | lang scope.lang_dic}

₺{scope.wallet.wallet | to_local}

{card.BinNumber} ••••

{'Pay At Branch' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'New Credit/Debit Card' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Discount code' | lang scope.lang_dic} ({scope.appointment.coupon.code}) ({scope.appointment.coupon.amount} % TL)

{'Total' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{service.price} TL

-{scope.appointment.total_coupon} TL

({scope.appointment.total_net} TL)

{scope.appointment.total} TL

{'Use Discount Code' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Remove Discount Code' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Enter the Amount You Want to Pay' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Payable' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Remainder' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Minimum payment amount for this reservation' | lang scope.lang_dic}: {scope.appointment.min_payment} TL.

{'Card number' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'MM' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'YY' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'CVV' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Ad Soyad' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Your Appointment Has Been Created Successfully' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{scope.appointment.result.date} {scope.appointment.result.time}



{'Discount code' | lang scope.lang_dic} ({scope.appointment.coupon.code}) ({scope.appointment.coupon.amount} % TL)

{'Total' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{service.price} TL

-{scope.appointment.total_coupon} TL

({scope.appointment.total_net} TL)

{scope.appointment.total} TL

{'You have chosen to pay at the branch.' | lang scope.lang_dic}



{'Add Payment to Your Reservation' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Wallet' | lang scope.lang_dic}

₺{scope.wallet.wallet | to_local}

{card.BinNumber} ••••

{'Pay At Branch' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'New Credit/Debit Card' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Discount code' | lang scope.lang_dic} ({scope.appointment.coupon.code}) ({scope.appointment.coupon.amount} % TL)

{'Total' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{service.price} TL

-{scope.appointment.total_coupon} TL

({scope.appointment.total_net} TL)

{scope.appointment.total} TL

{'Use Discount Code' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Remove Discount Code' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Enter the Amount You Want to Pay' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Payable' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Remainder' | lang scope.lang_dic}


{'Minimum payment amount for this reservation' | lang scope.lang_dic}: {scope.appointment.min_payment} TL.

{'Card number' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'MM' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'YY' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'CVV' | lang scope.lang_dic}

{'Ad Soyad' | lang scope.lang_dic}

  • {scope.appointment.res_str}

    {'Profile' | lang scope.lang_dic}



    {'Wallet Movements' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Charge Wallet' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {transaction.dt | date}



    ₺{scope.wallet.wallet | to_local}

    {card.BinNumber} ••••


    {'New Credit/Debit Card'}

    {'Payments' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {transaction.dt | date}


    ₺{transaction.amount | to_local}

    {'Name surname' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Gender' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Date of birth' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Language' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'phone number' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Logout' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Delete Account' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'My Office' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Your Affiliate Link' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Copy' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Total Earnings'}: ₺{scope.affiliate.affiliate_profit_total}

    {'Receivable'}: ₺{scope.self_.affiliate_profit}


    {affiliated_item.branch_} {affiliated_item.dt}
    {'Total Payment'} ₺{affiliated_item.total}

    {'New Credit/Debit Card' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Please enter your card info' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Card number' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'MM' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'YY' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'CVV' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Name surname' | lang scope.lang_dic}


    {'Charge Wallet' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Please choose the payment method to charge wallet' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {card.BinNumber} ••••

    {'New Credit/Debit Card' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Your Wallet Balance' | lang scope.lang_dic}:

    ₺{scope.wallet.wallet | to_local}

    {'Enter the amount you want to load' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Card number' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'MM' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'YY' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'CVV' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Name surname' | lang scope.lang_dic}


    {'Campaigns' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Campaigns Description' | lang scope.lang_dic}



    {'Campagin Code' | lang scope.lang_dic}


    {'Appointments' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Appointments Description' | lang scope.lang_dic}


    {'Appointment Detail' | lang scope.lang_dic}



    {'Discount code' | lang scope.lang_dic} ({scope.appointment.coupon.code}) ({scope.appointment.coupon.amount} % TL)

    {'Total' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {service.price} TL

    -{scope.appointment.total_coupon} TL

    ({scope.appointment.total_net} TL)

    {scope.appointment.total} TL

    {'Use Discount Code' | lang scope.lang_dic}

    {'Remove Discount Code' | lang scope.lang_dic}



    {'Version' | lang scope.lang_dic}: {scope.version}